Dealing with ethical issues is becoming a regular part of a coach’s duties. Coaches are increasingly being expected to face issues such as drugs in sport, cheating, bullying, eating disorders, harassment and respect for officials etc.
There is no question that most coaches are encouraging, supportive and ethical within their role, however some coaches may be uncertain about ethical issues. The Code of Behaviour is a useful guide for coaches detailing the type of behaviour that is expected of them.
The Netball Australia Coaches Code of Behaviour has been modelled on the Australian Sports Commission policy and all coaches who undertake a Netball Australia Coaching Accreditation Course will be expected to sign an individual agreement form. This form requires the coach to abide by the Netball Australia Code of Behaviour, and provides acknowledgment that Netball Australia and / or the Member Organisations may take disciplinary action against them if there is a breach of the Code of Behaviour.
The Netball Australia Coaches Code of Behaviour has been modelled on the Australian Sports Commission template and is part of the Netball Australia Member Protection Policy. All coaches involved in affiliated programs and competitions are bound by Coaches Code of Behaviour.